MacOS and Linux搭建开发和学习环境

MacOS and Linux 下搭建开发环境如:Python, Scala, Verilog, etc; 学习环境如:LaTex, WPS and other mac handy tools

Ubuntu 22.04 config notes


you have to install wine to install wechat, follow this page to install wine-wechat.
Then follow this guide to solve wechat resolution problem.

Typing tools: nvim, tmux and terminal

  1. Nvim: Nvim is advanced-vim, on ubuntu you can use command sudo apt install neovim to install nvim. Important: make sure the neovim version is \(\ge\) 0.8. <- you can download Neovim source file and extract it, link the nvim executable file to /usr/bin.

  2. Tmux: tmux can allow you to manage your terminal windows quickly, you can use command sudo apt install tmux to install it. All tmux config is in the file ~/.tmux.config, this link is my config for tmux.

  3. Terminal: the Ubuntu default terminal is not true color and has many bug when using tmux. So we have to use a third party terminal. I am using wezterm to replace the default ternimal. It's a cross plateform terminal.
    You can go to their github page to download it.
    Besides, wezterm config is in ~/.wezterm.lua, this website is the config demo for wezterm.

    Important: I think alacritty terminal is more useful that wezterm!!! So I prefer you use alacritty instead of wezterm.

sogou input

Just go to the sogou input website, they provided detailed installation guide. BUT sogou input works unstable on my Ubuntu. For example, sogou can't work with zsh, wezterm, etc. You have to make your default shell to be bash, if you make your default shell to be zsh, sogou input cannot type Chinese!

  1. WPS一开始不支持搜狗中文输入法,按照wps在Ubuntu下可以中文输入的方法进行修复,主要是: 方法一:在/usr/bin/wps, /usr/bin/et, /usr/bin/wpp三个文件一开始添加
    # sogou input
    export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx
    export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx
    export XMODIFIERS="@im=fcitx"

method 3: create a file ~/.xprofile and add the above 3 codes

Coding Tools

TODO: add installation guide in the future

  1. C++ and C
    • gcc, g++
    • make
    • gdb
  2. Chisel:
    • JRE
    • Mill
  3. Verilog:
    • Verilator
  4. Python
    • Miniconda
    • Jupyter

Step by step guide to setup your Macbook for coding and study


Acknowledgement: I used to want write a detailed guide of setting the Mac for coding and study, but I give up. The reason is: I get all the installation guide from Google, and the guide are quite detailed. I don't think it's meaningful to copy their articles here so I just do the following two things:

  1. give url to the articles which I read when I try to install these tools.
  2. give my own notes about key steps which are not written by these articles.

Thanks for reading this boring and long article, you can reach me by sending emails to


If you use Safari instead of Chrome, you can skip this part.

  1. Open your Safari web browser and type Chrome, then you can go to the main website of chrome. Allow download from this website and you can download googlechrome.dmg under your download folder.
  2. Double click the install file, and you can finnaly install chrome on you MAC.
  3. if chrome can not show content right: rm -rf ~/.config/google-chrome/Default/GPUCache


I Don't know why I want this app, I don't know what can I do with it, I don't take any responsibility for installing this App and I will not use it


Mac package manager, very useful for installing apps in Mac.

  1. Run the following code in your terminal to install Homebrew. /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

  2. Run the following two command to add homebrew to your PATH. (echo; echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"') >> /Users/fujie/.zprofile eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"

  3. Check if homebrew is ready: brew --version


  1. install git: `brew install git
  2. config git: cd ~ && mkdir .ssh && cd .ssh ssh-keygen -t rsa -C 'your email'
  3. copy the .pub key to your github setting
  4. test: `ssh -T'


Better terminal than the default terminal in Mac.

  1. Install command: brew install --cask iterm2
  2. follow this guid to config Iterm2. It will teach the following things:
    • installing Oh-my-zsh
    • installing powerlevel10K Theme for omz
    • installing Nerd-Font
    • installing zsh plugins
    • config Iterm2 color theme
  3. optional: you can follow dracula iterm2 theme guide to install the dracula theme for Iterm2


It's a better vim tool with a lot of config options.

Make sure you have good internet connection before you want to config nvim, the config below will clone a lot of files from Githb.

  1. install formatter prettier: npm install -g prettier
  2. install neovim: brew install neovim
  3. config neovim
    1. install stow: this is a tool for better manager git repos
    2. clone .env_config repo
    3. cd .env_config && stow nvim
  4. install all plugins: cd ~/.config/nvim/lua/user && nvim plugins.lua Save the file, nvim will auto install all the plugins.
  5. in nvim, use TSUpdateSync to install treesitter plugins.
  6. telescope: this is a fuzzy finder, you have to install ripgrep to use telescope in nvim:
    # macos
    brew install ripgrep
    # ubuntu
    sudo apt-get install ripgrep
  7. config markdown-preview: markdown-preview can let you see your markdown file render effect in neovim, make sure you have node and yarn installed.
    cd ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/
    git clone
    cd markdown-preview.nvim
    yarn install
    yarn build
    if you have trouble running yarn install, you may have to reinstall yarn using npm:
    sudo apt remove cmdtest
    sudo apt remove yarn
    sudo npm install -g yarn
  8. install picgo_core: picgo is a picture upload tool to easy upload your picture to image bed. nvim is configed to support picgo, we need to install picgo core to support picgo on sysetm, follow this guide to install picgo_core.
    npm install picgo -g # install picgo-core
    # set uploader
    picgo set uploader
    the config file ins under ~/.picgo/config.json, my config file is showing below:
    "picBed": {
    "uploader": "smms",
    "current": "smms",
    "smms": {
    "token": "vPkuQrDtSvj0nXrKgRTQbJqRoxP1msR2",
    "backupDomain": ""
    "picgoPlugins": {}
  9. formatter: markdown formatter need to start null-ls LSP, and null-ls need you to install prettier on you Mac: brew install prettier


It's a terminal manager will allow you to quick manage all your terminals. Follow this guid to config tmux.

  1. install Tmux: brew install tmux
  2. install tpm: git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
  3. config Tmux: cd ~/.env_config && stow tmux `


  1. unzip: brew install unzip

Tools which makes Macbook more easy to ues

those tools are open source and easy to get, you can get them by Google or App Store

  1. drawio: Security-first diagramming for teams
  2. rectangle: Move and resize windows in macOS using keyboard shortcuts or snap areas
  3. betterdisplay:Custom Resolutions, XDR/HDR Extra Brightness, Dummy Displays, Brightness Adjustment, Picture in Picture, Display and EDID overrides + more!
  4. bartender: Bartender is an award-winning app for macOS that superpowers your menu bar, giving you total control over your menu bar items, what's displayed, and when, with menu bar items only showing when you need them.
  5. TickTick: job management tools to arrange your day, add todo lists
  6. Typora: Typora gives you a seamless experience as both a reader and a writer. It removes the preview window, mode switcher, syntax symbols of markdown source code, and all other unnecessary distractions. Instead, it provides a real live preview feature to help you concentrate on the content itself.
  7. scroll reverser: reverse the mouse direction
  8. xnip: screen shot app, free and useful
  9. Bob: very handy translation and ocr tool on mac
  10. 4k video downlaoder: download youtube videos and playlists
  11. wps: office tool, replace of microsoft office
  12. Caffeine: prevent your Mac from automatically going to sleep, dimming the screen or starting screen savers.
  13. picgo: A tool for quickly uploading pictures and getting URL links for pictures. I recommend you to avoid the beta version of picgo, because the file may be damaged.
  14. latex: LaTeX is not a stand-alone typesetting program in itself, but document preparation software that runs on top of Donald E. Knuth's TeX typesetting system. There are 2 ways which I think is convenient to install LaTeX on Mac:
    • brew install mactex --cask
    • go to mactex homepage, download the MacTex.pkg file, double click it after downloading, the installed is done.

Coding Setup


  1. vscode: to enable vim plugin i,j,k,l continue move in vscode, type this command in your terminal: defaults write ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool true
  2. idea

Config Python env using Miniconda

  1. go to miniconda website to download the installer.
  2. install: cd ~/Downloads && bash
  3. config miniconda to use domestic source, following this guide

Config for NodeJS

  1. install nvm: nvm is nodejs version manager, use brew install nvm to install it.
    After installation, make sure to add nvm to your PATH variable and source .bashrc or .zshrc file
  2. Optional: you may need to change nvm source to China if you are in China and want to boot up the download speed:
  3. install nodejs:
    • search all available nodejs: nvm ls-remote
    • install nodejs: nvm install 18, this command will install nodejs 18 on your Mac
  4. Optional: config nodejs to use source in China, see the current source of nodejs: npm config get registry type the following command in your terminal: npm config set registry
  5. test nodejs by setting up hexo website
    npm install hexo -g # install hexo
    hexo s -g # render the blog page locally
    brew install pandoc # optional: if blog render step fail

Config for Verilog

  1. gtkwave: in order to install gtkwave on MacOS 14 or later
    brew install --HEAD randomplum/gtkwave/gtkwave
    sudo cpan install Switch
  2. iverilog: brew install icarus-verilog
  3. verilator: brew install verilator
  4. RISC-V Toolchain: follow the link to install RISC-V Toolchain to mac is very easy. The key point is that: if your are using WiFi, it may fail, you can use your phone's hotpot instead.
    brew install riscv-tools # install Toolchain
    brew test riscv-tools # test installation
    which riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc # if this works fine, the Toolchain is ready on your mac
  5. on Ubuntu, go to download pre-build riscv-tools and extract it. Then add the bin folder to your PATH

Config for Scala and Chisel

  1. install scala on mac:

    Don't install scala manually, Don't install scala manually, Don't install scala manually!!!, Skip this step, Skip this step, Skip this step

    Because we will use mill to manage scala, we don't have to install scala by ourself!!!! DON'T install it by yourself!!!

    curl -fL | gzip -d > cs && chmod +x cs && (xattr -d cs || true) && ./cs setup

    The above command is from this website and it's for Macbook with Apple silicon.

    • this will install scala related stuff and sbt(scala build tool)
    • however, you still have to install Java Runtime to run scala, using brew install openjdk Test installation: scala -version
      😭NOTES: make sure you have correctly set JAVA_HOME to the right directory, otherwise sbt or mill will fail to run. In MacOS, you can use /usr/libexec/java_home command to show the correct JAVA_HOME path.
  2. mill: Chisel build tool, faster than sbt, but takes more disk space, using brew install mill to install mill.
    After installation, you can use mill version to check if mill is correctly installed. There are many ways to install mill on mac.

    • brew install mill, this will install the latest version of mill
    • sh -c "curl -L > /usr/local/bin/mill && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/mill", this will install mill version 0.9.8, it's the mill version used by XiangShan group.
  3. follow chisel-bootcamp guide to install jupyter and scala kernel for python.

    # install jupyter
    pip3 install --upgrade pip
    pip3 install jupyter --ignore-installed
    pip3 install jupyterlab
    # jupyter backend for Scala
    curl -L -o coursier && chmod +x coursier

    ./coursier bootstrap -r jitpack \
    -i user -I user:sh.almond:scala-kernel-api_$SCALA_VERSION:$ALMOND_VERSION \
    sh.almond:scala-kernel_$SCALA_VERSION:$ALMOND_VERSION \
    --sources --default=true \
    -o almond

    ./almond --install
    # after installation, You can delete coursier and almond files if you so desire.